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What is the meaning of Europe?(동유럽 관점)
관련링크 : http://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/michael-zantovsky-tere… [2106]
As part of Europe, the very idea: exploring Europe as a philosophical concept and project,
a conference that took place in Bristol on May 9 - 10, Michael Žantovský, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United Kingdom
gave the keynote lecture, on “What is the Meaning Of Europe?”. (Video, 50 mins).
메리트카지…   2022.07.20 19:18:36
답변 삭제
Often, our posts that are the most informational get the least commentary. We’ve said it all. No point to add more. The ones that generate the most commentary are the ones that include our emotion, thoughts, or personal experiences. Readers feel we’re talking straight to them, not talking out at the blogosphere.
I predict 50 comments. There’s no way we’ll pass that. I wonder who’ll end up being the one who hits that mark, though. Heh, if I time it right, it’ll be me.
샌즈카지노   2022.07.20 19:19:02
답변 삭제
Thank you for the reminder. I wish I’d had it when I did my last post…Yet I will remember for the future.
bah. comments just equal more work. I’m KIDDING! Congrats on a great post James. I was pleased to see you in my inbox.
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